Divorce rate has reached a record low since 1973

Written by Sam Carroll

October 17, 2018

It is commonly reported that divorce is on the increase and couples are separating at the drop of a hat. It is therefore of great surprise to note that in fact the divorce rate in England and Wales has reached a record low since 1973. The ONS have recently reported that the average marriage now lasts for a period of 12.2 years.
It is thought that one of the most likely reasons for marriages lasting longer is the increase in age of people getting married. The average age of men in an opposite sex couple getting married is 37.5 years old where the average age of women is 35.1 years old. Both these figures are said to be approximately 10 years higher than they were in the 1970s. It is interesting however to note that the 1980s produced the least successful marriages with approximately 43% of those getting married subsequently divorcing.
It has been reported that the most common fact to rely on to issue divorce proceedings is that of unreasonable behaviour. This is not surprising given that the alternatives rely on adultery or at least 2 years of separation. That said, it is noted that husbands are more likely to issue a Petition on the basis of a period of separation. If you would like more advice on divorce or separation we can arrange a half rate conference at these offices.
Townsend Family Law are able to provide services tailored to your budget. Should you require assistance please telephone us on 01992 892214.

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