It is not surprising that when two parties decide to separate it has an impact on the children. A recent study has shown that in fact a child’s physical health can be affected by their parents’ divorce. This is perhaps not surprising and indeed has been shown by several previous studies. What is of note from the recent study is that it is claimed it is not the divorce itself which is the real problem. The recent study conducted in Spain concludes that improper handling of the situation by the parents is to blame for any side effects felt by their children.
As part of this study data was taken from 467 young people between the ages of 2 and 18 years old. It was shown that the children whose parents had divorced were twice as likely to develop stomach problems, neurological issues and skin conditions.
It was found that when parents do not deal with their divorce amicably there are very high levels of conflict which makes it very difficult to maintain a good relationship. If children experience this environment for long periods of time they often experience toxic stress.
It was found that it is vital to support families in order to reduce these consequences. People who work closely with children such as care workers and school staff have a very important role in reducing toxic stress, as they are in a position to design and implement new interventions or work towards protection and prevention.
The study was published in the Academic European Journal of Education and Psychology and was conducted by Maria Dolores Seijo Martinez.
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