Why do I need a consultation?
If you have recently separated or you are thinking of separating, a consultation can arm you with the practical, financial, and legal information you need to protect yourself and to plan for the next steps. Arrangements may have to be made immediately e.g. putting the bank on notice of separation to prevent your partner invading accounts. Your home might be in your partner’s name alone and you urgently need to protect your rights to live there. There may be issues about where the children should live. Your partner could be threatening to remove the children.
What can I expect?
Meetings usually last an hour. Once you have explained the circumstances of your breakup and provided a summary of your financial circumstances, the solicitor can help you understand your options, give an initial indication of what to expect in terms of settlement and advise you on the next steps if you decide to separate.
How much does is cost?
For a discounted rate of £150 plus VAT you can see one of our specialist family solicitors.
Contact us to book your no strings consultation on 01992 892214
or email louise@townsendfamilylaw.co.uk